Saturday, January 16, 2010

Moving On to Solids I

I remember that the transition to solid foods at six months when I was breastfeeding my DS was very difficult. Imagine-- except for one tiny kick-start of sperm, he's made entirely of me for the nine months of conception and the first half-year outside the womb. Each ounce on his body can trace it's way to me. Now all of a sudden there's this foreign stuff. Food. It's... good. At least, that's the way it was for DS. He took the first spoon of mushy carrots on his half-birthday and there was no looking back.

I was having similar hesitations when it came time today to feed DD her first spoonfuls. I'd gone to the health food store and bought her organic brown rice baby cereal. We chose today for her first solid meal (if you can call baby mush solid) because the whole family was to be together. It didn't go exactly as planned. She took a spoonful of the stuff and spit it out. Same with the next spoonful. I don't think she was so excited for the subsequent spoonfuls. We don't think any of it actually went down. Then I tasted it myself and I can't say that I blamed her. The stuff was downright bitter. I think I'll boil up some of the organic carrots or sweet potato that I bought for her and try that next.

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