Saturday, December 27, 2008

I take it back

Forget it, I take it all back.
We are not well on our way to weaning. We are breastfeeding (almost) as much as ever. In fact, I have begun to feel fullness and leaking again.
Sometimes he wakes up at 4:30 am and just HAS to have boob. I mean, nothing else will do. I try to send Ilan out to get him anywhere after 3:30 am because otherwise I don't stand a chance. I try to make him wait until at least 5:30 am before I feed him because I can consider that to be closer to actual morning as opposed to middle of the night.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Little Bit Of Weaning

I'm not sure, but I think there might be a little bit of weaning going on around here. I didn't nurse him at all yesterday, and I didn't nurse him this morning. I nursed him a lot two days ago because he was a sick little guy with an achey ear and I thought it would make him feel better. I'm not at all sure that there was any milk coming out, but he doesn't really always seem to care. I think he just loves to suck. Well, I think there is a little bit of milk in the beginning of each breast but then nothing. I asked him but all I got for a reply was 'ana? nana? ama?'
He's been staying in his crib a little longer in the mornings (pu pu pu) and so I don't feel the need to nurse him just so I can get some extra lying-down time in the mornings. I don't know what we're going to do for the afternoon nap but I guess we'll take it as it comes.
I think I'm finally ready for this step now. I mean, the thought of weaning completely still makes me a little sad, but I think that he's gotten a lot out of it already, health-wise -- I'm not sure how much more there is to gain at this point though I suppose there is literature on that subject if I choose to persue it. And I guess, well, I don't know. I'm just ready and I think he is too. But time will tell.