Tuesday, May 5, 2009

That Bites!

The biting started sometime around month 9 or 10. He doesn't even breastfeed anymore, but he's still biting me. They say that whe baby bites your nipple (yes, it hurts even worse than it sounds-- think tiny little sharp teeth) it's a sign that they're done eating anyway, so you might as well take them off. You're supposed to reprimand firmly and remove. Well, I would do that but it never helped. Maybe because I have no willpower and as soon as he cried I'd stick him back on-- most of the time. But now it's just random bites. My thighs, my belly, my arm... whatever is in reach. He prefers fleshier places, of which I have plenty lately.

He doesn't bite his father, though, which I think is a sign that the biting is related to breastfeeding. I wonder how he'll react when his new sibling is born. I think he still remembers breastfeeding his enjoyment of it.

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