Really, we're done now. I haven't nursed in at least three weeks, I think. I can't remember exactly when the last time was, but I do remember that we were trying to get him down for a nap. At that point, I hadn't nursed in a day or two so it was really a very frustrating experience for the both of us.
I know the process is complete because when he cries at night and I pick him up, he doesn't go straight for my boobs anymore. He just snuggles in to my shoulder. There have been times in the last few weeks that he did aim for that region, or at least that's how it seemed to me, but it was relatively easy to distract him with a book or a snack.
So right now I'm in between. I just weaned one child and I'm on my way to having a second. I'm back to choosing from a selection of all the bras in my drawer and not just from between my four nursing bras or two comfy, non-underwire ones (though I definitely still wear those sometimes too.)
The wierd thing is that what I thought was blocked milk ducts and what the doctor thought was thrush is still there. I have these little white dots all over my nipples. I have yet to try messing with them-- squeezing them and pulling them off-- because I have been cold for the past three months straight and I can't touch any part of my body that's not otherwise exposed because I'm just too damn cold. Also, I'm just very sensitive there, as most people are -- but not pregnant sensitive, just regular everyday sensitive.
Highs and Lows
For most of this pregnancy, my stomach was so high that my boobs rested on
it if I sat slouchily-- which I have been known to do. A couple of weeks
ago my ...
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