The rotten-milk smell that began when I was in the hospital persisted until about month number 2. That is, it was in my sheets and in my clothes as long as there was milk on them, which was often. I was leaking all over the place. I was going through bra pads like crazy. They would get lost every time I took them out to feed them (Ilan would get upset about finding them all over the house-- or other people's houses if we were sleeping over somewhere) and so I would just pop in some new ones.
The smell went away by about a couple of months. I guess the consistency of the milk had changed significantly enough by then. My breasts were still leaking, though. If I went a little too long between feedings, or as soon as he started sucking on one nipple,the other one would start to gush. This led to some embarrassing incidents. I learned to use my scarf or the nursing apron over my shoulder to cover the spreading stain.
Even today, at nine months, the leaking continues. Sometimes it's like a fountain. All he has to do is get in the right angle and open his mouth.
But at least the smell is gone.
Highs and Lows
For most of this pregnancy, my stomach was so high that my boobs rested on
it if I sat slouchily-- which I have been known to do. A couple of weeks
ago my ...
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