For the first few days in the hospital (he was there for five days and I stayed with him, fighting tooth and nail for a bed so that I could be nearby), I wasn't at all sure that something was coming out of my boobs when he sucked on them. I went to the lactation classes they offered and talked to a lady teaching a group of lactating experts-to-be, exposing and manipulating parts of me I would have considered very private only a few days earlier-- and in front of ten people at a time, nonetheless. The very nice expert teaching the soon-to-be-experts showed me how I could express colostrum by hand on to a plastic spoon to feed the baby manually. the problem here was twofold: one-- that I didn't then and still today don't like to mess with my breasts. I don't like to squeeze them. Right now they're less sensitive than they used to be, but I only give them a squeeze if I have to. Like the couple of times my duct got clogged -- but that's another story for another time.
The second problem was that I didn't have a spoon. I had been needing one, actually, to eat the leftover yogurts that I'd saved from the breakfast tray. There were none on the ward and, indeed, none in the whole hospital. Ilana eventually sent one for me with Yaaron. I found it on the chair by my bed when I woke up one morning.
Anyway, on day ... was it three or four? I know it happened in my new room but I moved in to my new room on a Friday... well, it must have been Shabbat morning, which was the fourth morning after the baby was born. I woke up to the smell of something rotting and the feeling of something heavy sitting on my chest. "Where is that smell coming from?" I thought. "And what is sitting on my chest?" Turns out it was my breasts. This is what they call the milk 'coming in.' And come down it did. I had rivers running down the front of my shirt. I had no nursing pads. I had no spare shirts left. I think I ended up walking around the ward like that for a while. Ilana sent me some nursing pads. Ilan brought me some appropriate bras. Ima brought nursing bras for me when she got here from Toronto a few days later. That's also another story for another time. I should remember this one and tell it. My boobs were rock-hard. I felt like a porn star, and offended a couple of people by telling them so. I later re-evaluated this comparison and said that I looked like a department store dummy. Except that a store dummy doesn't have a fountain of milk coming out of each nipple.
Highs and Lows
For most of this pregnancy, my stomach was so high that my boobs rested on
it if I sat slouchily-- which I have been known to do. A couple of weeks
ago my ...